It is all too common of a discovery, your decades long favorite tenant, the dry cleaner who's been cleaning your clothes for years is now a major concern of your potential buyer or lender as you try to refinance your property. This scenario has played out hundreds if not thousands of times across the country.
For many years the primary concern was groundwater contamination to potential drinking water sources. Within the past several years groundwater contamination has remained a concern but a more elusive issue: soil vapor contamination, has vaulted into the dubious limelight. Spatially defining contamination at a dry cleaning site is a sometime seemingly endless 3 dimensional game of environmental assessment that typically takes multiple site investigations and 18 - 36 months of efforts to fully understand the PCE impact and likely course of site mitigation or remediation.
AllWest has significant project experience assisting clients define PCE related contaminants and guiding them through the Voluntary Cleanup process with either the DTSC or Regional Water Board at multiple northern and southern California locales. Click here to see summaries of our current projects in Petaluma, Hayward, Los Angeles, San Mateo, Fountain Valley and Campbell CA.